Privacy Policy

MDR Specialized LLC (hereinafter, the "Responsible Party"), with address at 6175 NW 153rd St, Suite 201, Miami Lakes, FL 33014, in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations ( hereinafter jointly, the "Law"), makes this Privacy Notice available to you, in order for you to know how your personal data and any information collected through different means including our website, in order to guarantee the privacy of said information and the right to informational self-determination of people. Likewise, it informs you of the purposes for which the Responsible party collects and processes your Personal Data (as said term is defined below).

The person in charge will collect the following personal data: Names, Surnames, Email, Contact Telephone Numbers, Company Name, Role or Position that he performs within the company he represents. (hereinafter, the "Personal Data"), necessary for the following purposes: Commercial, Offers, Informative, Participation in Events and News.
In accordance with the Law, we require your express consent for the processing of your sensitive Personal Data as well as of a financial and patrimonial nature, except for the exceptions established by Law. If you express your consent for the processing of your sensitive Personal Data in this way as of a financial and patrimonial nature, the Responsible undertakes not to process this Personal Data for purposes other than those established in this Privacy Notice.

You have the right to access your Personal Data that we possess and the details of its treatment, as well as to rectify them in case they are inaccurate or incomplete, or cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this Notice. of Privacy, are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or oppose their treatment for specific purposes (hereinafter, the "ARCO Rights").

To exercise ARCO Rights, you must submit the respective request, through the following contact information: MDR Specialized LLC, by email:, by phone: +1 (754) 230 7709, during business hours office from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (GMT +6).
The request that you submit to exercise your ARCO Rights must indicate your name and the address or email address where you wish to receive all the information related to the process, in addition to being accompanied by the document(s) that prove your identity. or the personality of its legal representative. Likewise, we would appreciate it if you included a clear and precise description of the data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the ARCO Rights and of any other element that allows us to identify or locate the Personal Data in question. In the case of "rectification" of your Personal Data, you must also indicate the exact modification you are seeking to make and present the documentation that supports the request.

Additionally, for your protection and benefit, we may request additional documentation that allows us to fully identify the Personal Data that you wish to access, rectify and/or cancel, or those with respect to which you wish to oppose their treatment. The Responsible will ensure that the Personal Data contained in the databases are relevant, correct and updated for the purposes for which they were collected and when they are no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the intended purposes, they must be cancelled. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Controller may not be able to cancel or block your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

Once your complete and duly integrated request is received, the Responsible will communicate the corresponding response within a maximum period of 10 business days. If appropriate, within the following 15 business days you can make the requested right effective. In the event that the Responsible Party must deliver documentation as a result of the exercised right, it will do so through copies that will be sent to you by email or will make them available to you at the address indicated for that purpose, within the aforementioned period. , so that you can collect them directly or through a third party authorized by power of attorney.

You can at any time revoke the consent that you have given us to totally or partially prevent the processing of your Personal Data, however, it is important that you take into account that not in all cases we will be able to attend to your request or terminate the use immediately. , since it is possible that due to some legal obligation

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